“I’m going to make everything around me beautiful - that will be my life.” — Elsie de Wolfe

Saturday, 13 November 2010

The Winds Blow and The Words Flow

"The birds they sing at break of day, "Start again..." I hear them say."
- Leonard Cohen

This week I have seen....

  • Roaring winds that have stripped the trees of the remaining leaves and blown anything that was light enough to be blown over, over. :-)

  • The squirrel has been back, actually looking at me through the window! Up close I've discovered that his tail looks like the seed head on a Dandelion.

  • In a nearby village I noticed that the pub is boarded up and offered for sale. (See the picture) Looking up, I noticed the old looking lantern with the satellite dish above it and the 'for sale' sign too, also you can see the Ivy just creeping into the doorway.

  • I have seen the inside of a tow truck! We came out into the supermarket car park and the immobiliser on our car stopped working and actually lived up to its name and immobilised us. :-) We came home in the back of a tow truck with our car on the back. What was really interesting. was seeing things that normally I wouldn't because we are much lower on the road. It was a familiar route but now I know what is behind the hedgerows that usually I can't see over.

  • Also more words, I am still writing every day for nanowrimo and as I said last week it is such a learning experience and I am so glad that I decided to take part. The novel is secondary to all that I am learning, there will definitely be a blog post about the experience some time in the future.

"You don't have to see the top of the staircase to take the first step."
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

What did you see this week?

This is for week 9 of I Saw Sunday why not click on the link and visit and join in with us! and tell us what you saw this week. Oh, go on! :-)
You have all week to post your link - words or pictures or both!
Click here to visit - I Saw Sunday


Deborah said...

It certainly has been a windy week!
It does make me laugh to think of you in the tow truck, but it's just you to see it as an opportunity to see over the hedges!! ... and I think you're doing marvelously with the nanowrimo ... well done you :o)

Elizabeth said...

Susannah, I rented a minivan to do a road trip out west. High up and one can definitely see for miles and miles. The difficulty was coming back and having to drive my car again. Way to low and I felt deprived just driving it.

Like the photo. You have all of my respect for doing the nanowrimo writing. That has to be an awesome experience and a ton of satisfaction when it's done.

Great week and I think squirrels are rather neat little creatures,


Jennifer said...

So glad to hear the words are flowing! And glad to know that the experience is such a great learning tool - I will convey that to my writing students to whom I suggested nanowrimo as a way to "just write it down."

Love to see what you see pal.

Susannah said...

Thanks for the comments everyone.

Good to see you all. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey i am suuper boy


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