“I’m going to make everything around me beautiful - that will be my life.” — Elsie de Wolfe

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Reflections in the water and visitors in close up. . . .

“Take your heart out into vast fields of light and let it breathe.” - Hafiz

It has been very warm this week, so one day in search if its dappled shade,
we walked down this green lane . . .

and I came across clouds and trees living in the water. . .

The reflections were so detailed, it was as though the world was looking into a mirror.

"From wonder into wonder existence opens." - Lao Tzu

And later, when the sun shone and the garden was buzzing with life,
my camera and I saw the close up beauty of these flowers and their visitors.

"Life holds so many simple blessings,
each day bringing its own individual wonder. "
- John McLeod

Also this week I shared the story of the heart that features in my blog header. Did you read it?

If you have the time please click below and read it, as I'd love to share the story with you!

---> *a message from nature - the story of a heart* <----

Thought of the week
“Love what you do. Learn balance. Take rests. Trust your instincts.” - Leith Clark

So, what did you see this week? Please come and join us and leave a link to one of your blog posts at I Saw Sunday! Click HERE to visit - We will make you very welcome, I promise. :-)

I am linking this post to week 47 of I Saw Sunday
All images and words - Susannah Bec


earlybird said...

LOVELY lovely refreshing pictures. Life in miniature.

Anonymous said...

You have such a poetic sensibility. I love the way you look at things. The clouds and trees in the water have enchanted me!

vivinfrance said...

Beautiful pictures. That shady lane could have been near my childhood home. Did you see Earlybird's reflections from New Zealand?

Susannah said...

Earlybird and Selma, thank you. x

Viv, yes I did! They were truly amazing weren't they?

Jinksy said...

Your eyes certainly found some beautiful things to see - or did the things find you, I wonder? LOL

Morvah said...

Wonderful Susannah, I love the Red Admiral and your rudbeckias and your shady lane looks so cool and leafy. Beautiful days..

Elizabeth said...

Absolutely love the butterfly. I chased a small white moth yesterday, but it just didn't want to stay still long enough for me to get a clear pic. Perhaps it heard my doc tell me to get more exercise? Whatever, I love your reflections on water, water always fascinates me. Mine, this week, was moving,


Paul Andrew Russell said...

Beautiful photos, Susannah. I especially like the ones of the butterfly and the ladybird. :-)

Best Wishes for a wonderful week.


Susannah said...

Good to see you all. x

Jinksy, that is the question! :-)

Morvah, we have drifts of rudbeckias in our front garden - like great swathes of sunshine! x

Elizabeth, I am sure your moth was in cahoots with your doctor! :-) Your moving water was gorgeous.

Paul, thank you, you have a wonderful week too. :-) x


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