“I’m going to make everything around me beautiful - that will be my life.” — Elsie de Wolfe

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

I Have a Confession to Make. . .

This week I really must confess that this hand sticking out of the earth in my garden prompts negative reactions from 99 percent of people who see it! (Too many horror films, methinks.)

I see it as a positive, as an 'alive' earth reaching out, but then I am a bit of a hippy at heart. lol

I made the hand a few years ago with some left over cement. I filled a rubber glove with it and hung it on the line to dry. Actually I made a pair, but in peeling the gloves off of the other hand one of the fingers broke off! I did have the single finger pushed into one of my plant posts for a while. but people kept getting the wrong message. ;-)

So what do you think of my hand? Does it freak you out too?

This is the fourth of my new mid week posts under the title I Have a Confession to make. . .

I will be back next week with another confession. :-)


none said...

Funny post. :) :) I love your meaning behind it... although I can understand the spookiness of it too!

jabblog said...

I must admit it's not something I would choose - I'm more a 'hind legs of the dog' person;-) Nonetheless, it's an interesting conversation piece;-)

Deborah said...

Yes it does! LOL

Paul Andrew Russell said...

LOL Susannah. Now we know where you hide the bodies! I think it's hilarious. :-)

Anonymous said...

The little one thought it was a zombie..
I suppose it would have a better reaction if it was crawling?

earlybird said...

interesting idea... yes - it does slightly freak me out! still, it made me smile :)

Wall Flower Studio said...

I love it!
Right in line with my sense of humour. : )

Susannah said...

Thanks everyone. I am loving reading your opinions. :-)

Elizabeth said...

I didn't find it strange. I thought of it as a statement of reality: that your garden, plants, flowers, are a constant hands on project.

For years, I had a full size black timber wolf poster hanging on my bedroom wall. I could tell by people's reactions to it whether we would truly be friends or not. My confession, if you will,


Susannah said...

Thanks for joining in Elizabeth. :-)

I bet that full size timber wolf was quite a magnificent sight!


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