"If you truly love Nature, you will find beauty everywhere." - Vincent Van Gogh
I step into the garden and I can almost hear it all growing. Nature is burgeoning, pushing forth with green fingers and blossom. The energy is palpable. I watched the insects busily moving from flower to flower, struck by the fact that they are living their life too. A shared space, my garden, the insects, the birds, this moment and me . . .

Totally inspiring and just as beautiful, is this -
a lesson in growing where you are planted.
Life will find a way!
Thought of the week
"Stop counting crayons, just draw pictures." - Mark Scharenbroich
"Stop counting crayons, just draw pictures." - Mark Scharenbroich
I am linking this post to week 36 of I Saw Sunday - Why not come and join us?
Beautiful words and photos, Susannah!
The last photo is a great surprise and also wonderful inspiration...
life will find a way, yes! :)
I miss gooseberries! They don't grow here. Or perhaps they just aren't grown here. I've never seen them. Gooseberry pie with cream... mmmm!
Oh, gooseberries. I haven't seen them in so long. We used to have them in our garden in Scotland and I used to have a little munch from time to time. Your garden is stunning. You must be so happy with it!
The Buddha looks content as he surveys the scene. It was Wesak last Sunday - the anniversary of the Enlightenment.
There is a lovely sand-painting done in honour of Wesak. Let's see if I can add the link:
What a contrast from Elizabeth's Wisconsin Spring. I too love goosegogs.
"a lesson in growing where you're planted" - I love that. I've squirrelled it away. Thank you. X
Sometimes the hardest lesson to learn, yet the plants reveal it with ease. Love the lush photos and all the greens.
Oh Susannah, how gorgeous your garden is! Thanks for sharing it with us. Gooseberries and Buddhas - lovely! Have a good week x
Everything is bursting forth and it's such a joy. I love your photos - your garden looks very pretty and productive, too - always a good combination:-)
Thanks everyone for dropping in and for your great comments. It is always really good to hear from you.
I am glad to see that other people like 'goosgogs' too. ;-)
Sorry I haven't replied sooner but blogger seems to have been having issues this week and rather than get frustrated I left it alone for a while!
Thanks again, I hope all is well with you.
Much love
Susannah x
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